React I completed the first part of the React Basics module with its solo project. Key learnings from this section: Why Learn React: Composability of the app Declarativeness of the coding style Hireability as a technical skill Great community to support you as a developer React Basics: Components JSX
Read MoreResponsive Design Using em works fine for margin and padding as it is based on the font size of the element itself. On the other hand, it is not recommended to use em for font size because that is based on the font size of the parent which leads to a compounding effect that is better off being avoided. A better, …
Read MoreFrontend Developer Path Yesterday I kicked off two modules in parallel: Module 6: This is about responsive design. I looked at relative units like % and em. Module 11: This is about basic React. I looked at JSX and why learning React is a good investment.
Read MoreSpring Yesterday I wrapped up the first course in the Spring Certified Professional learning path. The course finished with implementing the PUT and DELETE actions. A key learning was understanding when to use PUT for creating vs POST. The bottom line is that you use PUT for creation when you already have the …
Read MoreSpring: GETing a list of items, Paging and Sorting, and Spring Security + Javascript: textarea and forEach
Spring I studied: GETing a list of items, using paging and sorting Spring Security: This is a large topic. Yesterday I looked at the pillars of software security: authentication and authorization and how to implement basic authentication in Spring. JavaScript I looked at: testarea forEach(), a method to iterate over …
Read MoreSpring Data and Javascript Array Methods
Spring I used Spring Data to implement the Repository pattern for the separation of concerns. I learned the concept of idempotent operations. They give the same outcome no matter how many times they get run. POST is not an idempotent operations. The 201 CREATED status code should return a Location header in the …
Read MoreBackend with Spring The two key concepts I went through yesterday were TDD and REST. The project-based course uses test-driven development which is a nice treat. By the end of this learning path, I'll have solidified: Spring REST APIs TDD Frontend with JavaScript On the frontend side, I reviewed important concepts …
Read MoreSpring I kicked off the Spring Certified Professional learning path yesterday. Key learnings: You initialize a new Spring-based application using spring initializr. It's 3 steps: Fill out metadata Pick dependencies Create the project Spring makes JEE development easier. Spring Boot made Spring development easier. …
Read MoreKick Off Today I kick off a new Sprint that will start a 3-month-long learning path. By the end of this learning path, I plan to study: Spring Frontend, specifically React K8s AWS Java REST APIs Cloud Native Microservices This first Sprint I will focus on Spring and React.
Read MoreSpring I continue studying for the Spring certification. Yesterday, I reviewed: Adding a GET endpoint and testing it with TestRestTemplate Separating concerns using Spring Data and the Repository pattern Using Optional Slice Tests Spring Boot provides a way for test slicing. Yesterday, I practiced using @WebMvcTest and …
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