Bootstrapping Microservices
Today I finished reading and working through the awesome book Bootstrapping Microservices, by Ashley Davis.
What I accomplished:
- I build the complete FlixTube application along the way. This helped
me solidify my hands-on experience with a rich list of technologies:
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Kubernetes: kubectl and Kubernetes Dashboard
- Azure cloud: File storage, container registry, kubernetes services
- Terraform
- GitHub Actions workflows for Continuous Deployment
- MongoDB
- RabbitMQ
- Microservices
- Cloud Native
- I contributed to the development of the book by submitting a number of suggestions to improve the text directly to the author. This is because I was reading the book as it was written, with early access to the chapters.
- I also contributed to the development of a future course still under development that will accompany the book by reviewing the first test run and providing the author with my suggestions for improvement.