Building Habits Studying Spring and Frontend


I kicked off the Spring Certified Professional learning path yesterday. Key learnings:

  1. You initialize a new Spring-based application using spring initializr. It's 3 steps:
    1. Fill out metadata
    2. Pick dependencies
    3. Create the project
  2. Spring makes JEE development easier. Spring Boot made Spring development easier.


Module 5 of the Scrimba Frontend Developer Learning Path starts with the following:

  1. Get a modal in a position fixed to the view port, setting top, left, right, and bottom to 0, and setting the margin to auto
  2. Use setTimeout() to do sth after a delay
  3. Use preventDefault()
  4. Modify the style of an element
  5. Use the <form> tag
  6. Use the required attribute
  7. Three types of buttons:
    1. submit
    2. reset
    3. button


My approach this sprint is to build habits by doing the following daily:

  1. Blog: This gets me summarizing my learnings from the day before, producing content, forcing my brain to remember, which is how you know you learned something new.
  2. Mentor: Teaching is an excellent way to solidify what you know, and it helps others grow.
  3. Study and Code: Every day, I will make progress studying and coding through:
    1. Spring: 4 lessons
    2. Frontend: 20 lessons