Code Reviews

Code Reviews

Yesterday I kicked off Module 8: Code Reviews. Key things I went through:

  1. Code reviews are an important activity in software development. They help share knowledge, improve code quality, and raise developers skill level.

  2. When code reviewing, the reviewers can use a checklist of things to go through. I counted 10 items so far. I'll add to it:

    1. Understanding the code
    2. Functionality
    3. Code formatting
    4. Naming conventions
    5. Consistency
    6. Readability
    7. Simplicity
    8. Unused code
    9. Duplicate code
    10. Potential edge cases
    11. Praise your peer
  3. There are different methods to deliver code reviews:

    1. Written code reviews, usually via GitHub Pull Requests
    2. Over-the-shoulder code reviews, either in person, or via recorded video.
  4. Using a Scrimba Scrim to deliver a recorded code review is an example of an over-the-shoulder code review.