Daily Code Reviews and APIs

Code Reviews

I'm enjoying performing a code review per day. I committed yesterday to doing 2 more code reviews in addition to the first one I did a couple of days ago. I created a list of all the solo projects I did so far as part of the program. I created a folder to include all the recaps of all the modules I studied so far.

My Process:

  1. I pick a solo project a student is asking for a code review for.
  2. I review its module's recaps.
  3. I write them down, both on paper and in my Notes folder.
  4. I code review in a scrim and post the review to the student the same day.

Why am I doing this?

  1. I gain excellent experience as a code reviewer.
  2. I review the material.
  3. I learn something new every time I code review another student's work.
  4. There are a good couple of rewards from the Scrimba team.

So far I did code reviews from Modules 2 and 3. It would be preferable to do the next one from modules 3 or 4.


I continue with Module 9 on APIs. Yesterday I kicked off section 2, which went into URLs and REST. A key learning was to understand which part of the URL is the Base URL and which part is the endpoint. I also reviewed the slice method. I plan to finish the section and the module as a whole.