Exponent's Complete Software Engineering Interview Course

Yesterday I kicked off serious preparation for software engineering interviews using Exponent's complete course. It's complete because it covers all 3 types of interviews:

  1. Coding interview
  2. System design interview
  3. Behavioral interview

This is a serious course, designed to help software engineers lands jobs at FAANG-level companies. Key learnings from what I studied so far:

  1. Practice is key. The more I practice for all three kinds of interviews, the better I become prepared.
  2. In addition to technical skills and knowledge, communication skills are key. This is a main focus of this program, and therefore it encourages daily mock interviews.
  3. Also, there is what's called a story bank. It's a reservoir of stories I will prepare based on my previous experience in the industry to answer behavioral questions of the types tell us about a time and what if.