I Can React

Yesterday I decided that it's time to be building stuff every day using the technologies I say I know. I went through Web Dev Simplified's 43-minutes video building a todo list with React 18. I did it incrementally in 6 iterations, each time building the app up to a point in the video. Progressively I was able to go through the entire video and with it built confidence that I could do this daily. Last time I checked, it took me 30 minutes to build the entire app. As I build this app with ease I show that I have a good grasp of React's basic concepts:

  1. JSX.
  2. What is React?
  3. How to think in React:
    1. Build the whole UI in one component, statically without any data.
    2. Add state
    3. Break it up into components.
  4. Components.
  5. Declarative programming.
  6. useState
  7. useEffect
  8. map
  9. Using vite to create a React app.

I plan on building this same todo list app using React every day for the next 30 days. It will become so easy. This is building an incredible amount of confidence.

I can now say with confidence:

Yes, I can React.

I can build an entire Todo List using React in 30 minutes.