I Can React
Yesterday I decided that it's time to be building stuff every day using the technologies I say I know. I went through Web Dev Simplified's 43-minutes video building a todo list with React 18. I did it incrementally in 6 iterations, each time building the app up to a point in the video. Progressively I was able to go through the entire video and with it built confidence that I could do this daily. Last time I checked, it took me 30 minutes to build the entire app. As I build this app with ease I show that I have a good grasp of React's basic concepts:
- JSX.
- What is React?
- How to think in React:
- Build the whole UI in one component, statically without any data.
- Add state
- Break it up into components.
- Components.
- Declarative programming.
- Using
to create a React app.
I plan on building this same todo list app using React every day for the next 30 days. It will become so easy. This is building an incredible amount of confidence.
I can now say with confidence:
Yes, I can React.
I can build an entire Todo List using React in 30 minutes.