Kubernetes and Responsive Design


The core knowledge and experience tested on the KCNA exam is Kubernetes. Yesterday I looked at all the components in K8s:

  1. Cluster
  2. Node
  3. Namespace
  4. Pod
  5. Service
  6. Proxy
  7. Ingress
  8. kubelet
  9. kubectl
  10. Network Policy
  11. Cloud Control Manager
  12. Controller Manager
  13. Deployment
  14. ReplicaSet
  15. StatefulSet
  16. Volume
  17. API Server
  18. ConfigMap
  19. Secret
  20. Scheduler
  21. etcd

Responsive Design

Yesterday, I finished the second section in this module, looking at:

  1. text-transform
  2. viewport units: vh and vw
  3. background-image and background-size
  4. flexbox child order
  5. Applying box-sizing: border-box at the * level