The React Basics Wrap Up Post
React Basics Wrap-Up
Yesterday I submitted the MVP for the Quizzical solo project, the capstone project of Module 11: React Basics. This is a huge deal. This is module 11 of 13 modules total in this program. This list sums up the concepts I reviewed here:
- Why React: Imperative style, components, profitable skill, and huge community.
- Components: Your building blocks.
- Styling: className
- props: Passing immutable data to children.
- .map(): convert array items to elements.
- event listeners: onClick
- useState: Remember component data that will change, be used for display, and trigger re-rendering.
- conditional rendering: Change display based on data.
- forms: Use controlled input values.
- useEffect: To get data from APIs, pass data between non-parent-child components, and do things in response to state change.
I already submitted my project for review. I will present it in the upcoming Monday weekly meetings. In addition,I will add a new feature to it today for showing time taken to answer the questions.